Out of print
KONSTRUKTIVIST Last Moments Of 1923
Konstruktivists was formed by Glenn Michael Wallis in 1982 out of the ashes of Heute, a kraut rock influenced trio using electronics as well as conventional guitars and bass. Around this time - in the late 70's/early 80's Glenn Michael Wallis was heavily involved with Throbbing Gristle, the U.K. pioneers of "Industrial". The first Konstruktivists vinyl album "A Dissembly" was issued in 1983. This was quickly followed by their seminal LP "Psykho Genetika" after signing to the newly-formed Third Mind records. At this point Glenn also moonlighted as a part-time member of Whitehouse - playing live with them in several countries and participating on their LP "Great White Death". "The Last Moments Of 1923" is often overlooked as it came out as a cassette only in 1982 on the Flowmotion label. It is in fact though the band's first album and remains until today Glenn Wallis's favourite Konstruktivists recording of all time. It shakes off all Krautrock influences (that came back on "A Dissembly") and is a purely electronic composition that is meant to be a soundtrack to the 1923 era of Soviet Russia. A very spaced out, ambient recording that finally sees the light of day on CD. Remastered by Konstruktivists member Mark Crumby for this release. Full trackllst: 1. Intro 2. Last Moments 3. Maelstrom 4. Smack 5. Veer 6. Armad 7. Konstant 8. Konstrain 9. Konvers 10. My Tears 11. Kome 12. You Are, We Hate 13. Vital Response 14. Sexes In Solitude. Price: € 17,-/copy incl. worldwide shipping. Very low stock.
Auffallend hier schon der leiernd-schlingernde Sound, welcher dann in Verbindung mit dem verstörenden Gesang von Glenn Michael Wallis bei den beiden gerade genannten Alben zum Markenzeichen von Konstruktivists wurde. Thematisch gesehen sollte Last Moment Of 1923 ein Soundtrack des Schicksalsjahres 1923 in Russland sein, denn in diesem Zeitabschnitt wurde ja die erste gemeinsame Verfassung der Sowjetunion erarbeitet und es war auch das letzte Lebensjahr von Lenin. Die rund 53 Minuten der CD lassen dann wirklich im Kopfkino ruckelige schwarz/weiß-Filme aus der Zeit der sich gerade gründenden Weltmacht ablaufen und kreieren dabei eine gewisse futuristische Atmosphäre. Diese Kunstform war ja auch in der jungen Sowjetunion sehr populär, welche aber 1924 mit dem Amtsantritt von Stalin ein jähes Ende fand und der dann für 60 Jahre den sozialistischen Realismus verordnete. (Black Magazin, January 2019)
Each of the tracks run between a minute and a half, and nearing eight minutes - and each track is built around woozy, stretched, and semi-melted nationalistic muzak and announcements - with the addition of occasional brooding synth lines, and wavering electronics and subdued noise elements. The sound here is very much off-colour and uneasy industrial ambience, with little of the original junk and noise percussive elements found on other early industrial pioneers work. As a whole it is a wonderfully unsettling release which revels in its feel of wonkiness and warped hope - I guess towards the end of the album things turn slightly more harmonic and hopeful, but there is still an off-ness here. (Musique Machine, February 2019)
Ieder nummer is opgebouwd rond wazige, uitgerekte en een deels versmolten mengeling van nationalistische muzak en aankondigingen met de toevoeging van bij tijden broeierige synthlijnen en weifelende elektronica, met zo nu een dan eerder ingetogen noise elementen. Hoewel in dezelfde hoek geplaatst als de industrial pioniers, schildert Wallis hier toch met een sterk afwijkende kleur dan de gebruikelijke ongemakkelijke industrial sfeer. Hier zal je dus weinig terugvinden van het spelen met afval of percussieve elementen die de voedingsbodem waren voor deze beweging.
Waar Last Moments Of 1923 wel in slaagt, en dus gemeen blijft hebben met het industrialgenre, is het creëren van een verontrustende sfeer. Iets wat dus ook lukt zonder oorverdovend lawaai. (DarK Entries, March 2019)