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Say I Could See You? |
The Orange King |
RAPOON In These Ancient Times
All-new album by Robin Storey aka Rapoon. Founded in 1992 after Storey left Zoviet France, Rapoon soon became an outstanding ethno-dark ambient project that has gained a cult following all over the world. More than 80 albums have been released over those nearly 30 years, some more beat driven, others more playful and with ambient sounds and ethnic influences. Rapoon has never stopped evolving - think of Cultural Forgeries, an album full of unplugged acoustic music. Or Downgliding, full of compositions on the piano. Recent Klanggalerie albums include Waiting by the River, an album that introduced vocals to the Rapoon sound, or Little Rocket Man which was inspired by the political situation in 2018 with Trump as president in the United States. In these ancient Times has been in the works for many years and presents dark atmospheres, percussion and vocals. Maybe one of your future Rapoon favourites. Full tracklist: 1. I Don't Want To Take You There 2. Say I Could See You? 3. You Never Learn 4. Ghost Banning 5. We Stand 6. The Orange King 7. I've Seen Them Coming 8. You Need To Do This... 9. Broken In The Night. Price: € 18,-/copy incl. worldwide shipping.
Tworzące ją dźwięki poddawane są powolnej modulacji, oscylując między nieinwazyjnym tribalem a dronowym ambientem. Większość kompozycji ozdabiają ludzkie głosy – fragmentaryczne melodeklamacje, nadające poszczególnym utworom charakter bitnikowych recytacji spod znaku Burroughsa czy Bowlesa. Ta muzyka tchnie gorącym powietrzem – choćby tym z marokańskiego Tangeru.
(Nowa Muzyka, August 2021)