Out of print
Harry The Head |
Smelly Tongues |
ALIENO DE BOOTES Unconventional Residents
Born in early 1959 on the Venetian mainland to Italian and half-Austrian parents, Alessandro Pizzin (a.k.a Alieno deBootes) has always had a close relationship with music thanks to the passion shared between parents and siblings. Starting with the situational improvisations in the second half of the 70s with the collective Fungus, followed by the foundations of the Ruins band, up to the complex multimedia realizations of the end of the 90s, his research path has always evolved in the awareness of the infinite combinations that sounds noises and images can organize to tell in turn new and ever changing creative illusions. The Unconventional Residents project was actually conceived back in 1982 but due to different professional priority has been paused until last may, when some sketches of the old project re-emerged from Alieno's huge recordings archive and this time there was absolutely no reason to put it on hold once again. The unconventional approach to the original writing has allowed Alieno to elaborate strategies of arrangement and concept such as to upset the selected tracks, while maintaining a stylistic code, a DNA, which apparently is deeply linked to the primary emotions he has experienced at the time when he first discovered that unusual music. This is a limited edition TOOK release only available from our website. Full tracklist: 1. BOD (Prologue) 2. Edweena (Part 1) 3. Smelly Tongues 4. Consuelos Departure 5. Birthday Boy 6. Whatever Happened To Vileness Fats 7. Serenade For Missy 8. Boo Who? 9. The Census Taker 10. Harry The Head 11. Life Would Be Wonderful 12. End Of Today 13. Numb Erone 14. Emotional Music 15. The Booker Tease 16. Atomic Shopping Cart 17. Godsong 18. Ship's A Goin' Down 19. Laughing Song 20. Tourniquet Of Roses 21. Happy Home 22. After All. Price: € 18,-/copy incl. worldwide shipping.
L approccio non convenzionale alla scrittura originale ha permesso ad Alieno di elaborare strategie di arrangiamento e concept tali da stravolgere i brani selezionati, pur mantenendo una cifra stilistica, un DNA, che apparentemente è profondamente legato alle emozioni primarie che ha vissuto nel momento in cui ha scoperto per la prima volta quella musica insolita.
(Pensieri non Convenzionali, March 2022)
In pratica, Alieno ha stravolto gli arrangiamenti ma le peculiarità, il DNA originali delle composizioni sono rimasti intatti. Un percorso cronologicamente collocato per scelta principalmente tra il 1978 ed il 1984. Il risultato ha colpito gli attuali componenti della band americana e quelli della Klanggalerie, loro base europea, che si sono resi conto della portata del progetto e da subito disponibili per la pubblicazione di questa singolare raccolta di brani modificati. (Music Map, March 2022)
The arrangements (embellishments, a different language: same text only sung in a Spanish translation) are lush and in the spirit of the original or transformed into another genre of music. The guitar solos are wonderful and inventive. The funny voices used in the various original songs are present as well. As a whole its an excellent transformation of the spirit of the Residents. (...) Well done and it will be on heavy rotation at my house. (Vital Weekly, April 2022)
Love it.
Superb. (United Mutations, December 2022)