Other:M:other is a trio from Austria, consisting of Judith Schwarz (extended drums), Jul Dillier (prepared piano) and Arthur Fussy (modular synthesizer). Judith is a drummer and composer and internationally well known with bands like Chuffdrone, Little Rosies Kindergarten or the duo Hofmaninger/Schwarz. Arthur is a sound designer, composer and engineer. He also works for theatre productions in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Jul describes himself as a sound poet. He works as a solo artist, performer and jazz pianist. Other:M:other's aim is to create a rhythmic symbiosis of sound. Acoustic sounds melt with electronic sounds, percussive impulses grow that take their inspiration equally from experimental music and beat-driven club music. With an unusual line-up, expanded ways of playing their instruments and a free improvisational background the trio manage to react musically to their surroundings. A set by Other:M:other can be a rather experimental affair, but it can also be an hour of dance music. The audience doesn't know what to expect. On their debut album, MetaMorph, you will hear both artistic sides of this outstanding trio, with music that was recorded at three concerts during 2022. Imagine a missing link between free jazz improvisation and club music and you get the idea of what makes this trio so unique! "Other:M:other sends electric shockwaves to the sound-suffused regions of your core. These three Masters of ceremony luxuriate in their analogue eclectoacoustics as a cerebral trinity. Foetal, amniotic waterflashes lead to wild dances around the maternal maypole, a prenatal dive by Mother Mary into this rhythmically pulsating, primordial infusion." Mastered by Martin Siewert. Full tracklist: 1. Matrics 2. Lithosphere 3. Reaktor 4. Kin 5. Humus I 6. Techtonic 7. Humus II 8. Unruh. Price: € 19,-/copy incl. worldwide shipping.
There is no greater joy than finding out that among todays homologated sounds there is still someone who proudly claims the need to release sounds and noises in search of possible (and impossible) connections that can open always new scenarios around ... excellent! (Alieno de Bootes, May 2023)
Les autrichiens s amusent à assembler les sonorités de leurs instruments respectifs de manière osée, leur insufflant une énergie percussive et entrainante, créant des zones bousculées par des secousses de notes et de roulements, abrasion sensitive capable de se transformer en transe psychédélique flirtant avec une certaine idée du chaos.
Other:M:Other s impose comme une formation ultra créative, capable de créer des atmosphères impévisibles, chargées de tensions et d électricité à l intensité dense, dont l étendue semble infinie. Fantastique.
(Silence And Sound, May 2023)
I pezzi, otto, provengono da tre diversi concerti realizzati nel corso del 2022 e rappresentano una sorta di anello di congiunzione tra improvvisazione dal sapore free jazz e club music, con traiettorie mai davvero prevedibili: Matrics introduce, Lithosphere mostra una forte vena sperimentale con sonorità orrorifiche e ambientali, Reaktor è già parte di un esperienza in cui jazz e clubbing si fondono in qualcosa di difficilmente separabile.
(Music Map, June 2023)
Percussive, rythmique, expérimentale avec un arrière-plan d improvisation, la musique de OTHER:M:OTHER surprend par son côté décalé, son refus manifeste des formes attendues. (...) Un plaisir, ce trio ! (...) Un album étincelant, étrange, animé d une belle fièvre rythmique. (Overblog, June 2023)
Fussy, Dillier und Schwarz spielen toll zusammen, wobei sich ihr gemeinsames Musizieren durch einen hohen Grad an Präzision sowie durch das Spiel mit klanglichen Feinheiten auszeichnet. (Freistil, June 2023)
Techtronic has a pretty straightforward drum pattern, very jazzy, with the piano playing repeating notes while the synthesizer does sometimes, which isnt easy to discern. In Lithosphere, the synth plays deep drones, and the others add careful and intense sounds. Those are the opposites in which this trio moves, and it brings a nicely varied album. I preferred the trios quieter moments, which were intenser, to their sometimes more open-ended approaches to rhythm, from all three players. Humus I and Humus II are, in that respect, highlights of this album. An album that took me several rounds to enjoy its quality, but in the end, I was won over. I can imagine that, in concert, this all works even better. (Vital Weekly, July 2023)
This kind of electroacoustic soup relies on suggestive percussive impulses that take their inspiration equally from abstract, experimental music and beat-driven, techno-like music. Unlike another Viennese trio, Elektro Guzzi, that also experiments with playing improvised techno music with a supposedly conventional format of guitar-bass-drums, the free improvised aesthetics of Other:M:other are more adventurous and unpredictable and have a clear aim to attract dance clubs audiences to experimental music. This trio can shift quite fast from a bold experimental affair to an addictive dance pulse. (Salt Peanuts, August 2023)
The eight-track album is an attempt to bridge the gap between improv jazz & abstract electronic dance music - with the tracks flirting between angularity, building detail, and sometimes even groove. (...) There is no doubt all three players here are skilled, and their blend of sounds is certainly interesting/fairly unique. (Musique Machine, September 2023)
With three musicians with such diverse experiences and backgrounds, Other:M:other can be expected to deliver the unexpected and on this album, the threesome does not disappoint: from one track to the next, the music ranges from improv jazz (natch!) to droning ambient soundscapes on Lithosphäre, electroacoustic (Reaktor) and beats-driven electronic dance music (Techtonic). All tracks are of varying lengths and most of them, mainly the more jazz improv pieces, are short, leaving the more musically idiosyncratic tracks like Lithosphäre and Techtonic to claim a major chunk of the albums playing time. The longest track Unruh is a mix of jazz improv, percussion-driven rhythms, stuttery piano drama and ambient electroacoustic effects. (Sound Projector, March 2024)