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Auf Dem Markt |
Von Der Selbst-Überwindung |
This project started four years ago with the intention of rediscovering the messages behind a book that seems never to be truly understood but somehow appears as an evergreen source of purity, a message of hope for humanity that seems to forget its real motivations. Even during his lifetime Zarathustra himself, as written in the Avesta, was always opposed by the mediocrity of the common thought of his contemporaries, fighting against ritualism, respecting animal life and nature especially in a period in which non-violence was not even idealistic. Four different languages to give a multicultural vision of the Nietzsche's text from four important old and new cultures, somehow connected to that book: the German, the English, the Iranian and the Russian one. For Nietzsche "Der Grosse Mittag" was a secondary option for the title „Also Sprach Zarathustra“ as achievement of awareness of the non-existence of any form of dualism of reality. The main person behind Zarathustra is Mirco Magnani, a Berlin based italian composer and producer, co- founder of the bands Minox, Technophonic Chamber Orchestra and 4DKiller. Mirco has performed onstage with Steven Brown, Blaine L. Reininger, Luc Van Lieshout of Tuxedomoon, Lydia Lunch, Krisma, Mad Professor and been remixed by Murcof, Nobukazu Takemura, The Gentle People, Daedelus. Recent important publications has been the collaborative improvisation sessions with Polish-Berlin friend Lukasz Trzcinski. Guest vocals come from Steven Brown and Nikolas Klau (Tuxedomoon), Sainkho Namtchylak and Paganland. Full tracklist: 1. Zarathustras Untergang 2. Auf dem Markt 3. Von Der Schenkenden Tugend 4. Von der Selbst-Überwindung 5. Die Stillste Stunde 6. Der Wanderer 7. Die Heimkehr 8. Vom Höheren Menschen 9. Das Trunkne Lied 10.Das Trunkne Lied (Teil 2) 11. Das Zeichen. Price: € 19,-/copy incl. worldwide shipping.
Zarathustra - Der Große Mittag embrasse la diversité, l intellect et la créativité. Mirco Magnani et ses collaborateurs nous invitent à un voyage sonore unique, où la philosophie et la musique se rencontrent dans une symphonie multiculturelle. Un incontournable pour les amateurs de musique expérimentale et les passionnés de philosophie. (Solenopole, January 2024)
Das reicht von wilden HallOrgeleien und dramatischen Paukenschlägen, zu denen Friedrich N.s dystopische Zeilen als ungarische (?) Beschwörungsformeln geflüstert werden bis zu melancholisch-gespensterhafter SemiMinimalMusic und kreischend-schabenden AvantIndustrialAusflügen. (Westzeit, February 2024)
Magnani hat den Traum vom Overman elektroakustisch angedunkelt mit Piano, Synth, Strings, Bassrecorder, Klarinette, und wie zur Mahnung vor einen doomverhängten Horizont gestellt. Sela! (Bad Alchemy, February 2024)
Il risultato e una chamber music che
sconfina nella dark ambient, procedendo per stratificazioni di strumenti e ambienti sonori.
Impegnativa e densissima ma altrettanto suggestiva. (Rumore, March 2024)
Der Große Mittag czyli alternatywny tytuł, który przegrał w rozważaniach Nietzschego z funkcjonującym dziś Tako rzecze Zaratustra, to płyta naprawdę dopracowana: koncepcyjnie, wykonawczo, produkcyjnie… Jednocześnie to płyta z szeregiem gości (Steven Brown, Sainko Namtchylak, Nikolas Klau, Paganland i nie tylko), najczęściej odpowiadających za partie wokalne – śpiew, deklamację, melorecytacje, choć niewymienieni na pierwszej stronie pozostali goście wzbogacają to dzieło również instrumentalnie (Stellan Veloce na wiolonczeli i gitarze elektrycznej, Andreas Yakovlev Mich i Andrea de Witt na syntezatorach). ()
Mirco Magnanis Zarathustra: Der Große Mittag is a work of striking ambition - a multi-lingual, multi-instrumental interpretation of Nietzsches Thus Spoke Zarathustra that intertwines philosophy, cultural depth, and experimental music into a complex and deeply evocative experience. Magnani, alongside collaborators like Steven Brown and Sainkho Namtchylak, crafts a sonic universe that seeks to unravel Nietzsche’s ideas on non-dualism, human transcendence, and the eternal return.
(Chain DLK, October 2024)