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Tunnel Sous La Manche


CD album | gg221
Rideau! was Un Drame Musical Instantané's second album, originally released in 1980 on the group's own GRRR label. Since its creation in 1976, featuring Jean-Jacques Birgé, Bernard Vitet and Francis Gorgé, the group has decided to promote collective musical creation, co-signing their albums, which they consider as artworks in themselves, or their live shows which they try to renew every time they play. Un Drame borrowed their sources from rock (synthetizer player Birgé and guitarist Gorgé, both authors of the album, Défense de); jazz (trumpeter Vitet who founded the first free jazz band in France, together with François Tusques, as well as Michel Portal who played with many American and European jazzmen); classical modern music; as well as movies or world news; they were the first in France to give a new impetus to live music on silent films. Birgé and Gorgé also recorded a duo album that was mentioned on the infamous Nurse With Wound list, Défense De. On Rideau, you will hear their wild mix of styles, a very original, unclassifiable, inventive music, which drifts from jazz to electronic music and contemporary music. Remastered in 2016 and with a lot of bonus tracks, amongst them the track that appeared on United Dairies' compilation album "In Fractured Silence" for the first time in its full length! Track list: 1. M'enfin 2. Rideau! 3. La critique 4. Pas besoin d'esperer pour entrependre ni de reussir pour perseverer 5. Tunnel sous la Manche 6. La peur du vide 7. Legitime defense 8. Le directeuer paeira pour ses crimes. Price: € 18,-/copy incl worldwide shipping.

We are talking here of the trio of Jean-Jacques Birgé, Bernard Vitet and Francis Gorgé, indeed a very unique trio. From the beginning they blended jazz, rock, electronics, new music, improvisation, sound, audio-visual into fascinating Gesamtkunstwerk. In a way that has some resemblance with the work of Alfed Harth and Heiner Goebbels, who were operating at the same time. (...) All three members already had their history in the jazz scene of France, especially Bernard Vitet who died in 2013.  As a trio they would become a stabile force for many years. ‘Rideau’ is a perfect start for getting introduced to their idiosyncratic way of assembling influences. They developed their very own world, their own language. Listening after a long time once again to Rideau, the music still talks and sounds far from out-dated. The musicians play a wide variety of instruments. (...) Back then their music sounded very experimental and wild to my ears, now it strikes me this is really full-grown, open and well- balanced music by inventive musicians who had a strong musical intuition and vision.
(Vital Weekly, May 2017)

Avec Rideau, c est un sacré morceau d histoire de la musique électronique francophone et de ses cousines improvisées (terme auquel Jean-Jacques Birgé, l un des auteurs préférera celui de composition instantanée) qui voit le jour pour la première fois en CD. (...) Le disque n est pas que la photo d une époque. Un morceau comme Le tunnel sous la Manche, théâtral sans être emphatique, révèle un propos très intemporel, marqué par la musique contemporaine et les racines zappaïennes de Birgé dans la plupart de ses prises de parole. Et pourtant… Le trio a toujours eu une démarche très proche de l image, si ce n est directement intégrée à celle-ci. Et dès les prémices de l album, on plonge dans une ambiance de documentaire, voire dans un cinéma du réel qui marque sa sécularité sans s y enfermer.
(Citizen Jazz, May 2017)

This is a reissue of French trio Instantaneous Musical Dramas second album which was originally released in 1980 on their own label GRRR. I must say I am a newcomer to their brand of surreal avant-garde happenings, my only previous exposure being the track Tunnel Sous la Manche which appeared on the Steven Stapleton curated compilation In Fractured Silence in 1987 and which is included here as a bonus track in extended form. The three members: Jean-Jacques Birge, Bernard Vitet and Francis Gorrge bring together a wide variety of electronic and acoustic instrumentation, sliding to and fro from free jazz experimentation to more contemporary rock, electronic and classical styles. Album opener M Enfin (The phantom of Liberty) is a perfect condensation of the bands modus operandi. It begins with the sound of numbers being recited in French before being joined by plucking guitar and a wonderfully pathos infused muted trumpet from Vitet. This is no smooth jazz piece though, as the lyrical horn is played off against found sounds, electronic noises and a rather drunken tuba. The trumpet is retained as the spectral host on the longest piece presented here. Over fifteen minutes the title track veers from almost Thomas Stanko like shady jazz across wild carnivalsque excursions involving flutes, organs and analogue synth bleeps. (...) The best of the four bonus pieces is the extended Tunnel Sous la Manche where the group - as well as tipping their hats to American minimalism - also imbibe a good deal of Dada and electronic weirdness from the second wave of industrial music. A more classically minded and musical Nurse With Wound is the obvious touchstone, but Un Drame Musical Instantane have enough of their own sound and obsessions (notably post-war Parisian jazz) to bring something quite interesting and surprisingly listenable to the table.
(Musique Machine, November 2017)