Out of print
Bad Intentions |
China Blue |
THE LO YO YO Extra Weapons / Double Dog Dare, Summer '84
The Lo Yo Yo was founded in 1984 by Family Fodder’s John Pearce, aka Alig. They were active for 2 years and released one cassette, one split cassette with French band Look De Bouk, one full-length LP. They also appeared on the Local International 15-26 compilation cassette on Recommended. The band’s name comes from a Captain Beefheart song titled Low Yo Yo Stuff on the 1972 Clear Spot LP. The Lo Yo Yo’s line-up went through changes over its whole lifetime, but with some constants – most notably singer Joey Stack and drummer Carrie Brooks. Charles Bullen of This Heat occasionally played drums with Family Fodder and produced The Lo Yo Yo’s LP Extra Weapon in 1985. Alig says "It was impossible not to get together. In this era it was quasi compulsory to get a band together with your mates. It was normal to be left-wing, inclusive, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobic and in opposition. And to form a band, with or without experience. It started as a rhythm section: Carrie on drums and myself on bass. She brought a mate along (Joey Stack) and so did I (Mick Hobbs)." Pearce’s punchy bass playing and Carrie Brooks’ hard-hitting drumming form the backbone of The Lo Yo Yo sound, with Jo’s singing and keyboard sitting firmly on top. It was made complete with Mick Hobbs on guitar and percussion, and the addition of ‘cellist Annie Hunt. This CD collects all tracks from the Extra Weapons LP and the Lo Yo Yo side of the Double Dog Dare shared cassette with Look De Bouk. Full tracklist: 1. Bad Intentions 2. All The Atrocities 3. I Can Hold My Own Hand 4. Learning To Fly 5. Petroleum 6. More To Come 7. China Blue 8. Cache-Cache 9. You Never Know 10. Cog 11. The History Of Weaponry 12. Petroleum 13. Don't Believe You 14. Olcano 15. Radiogaping 16. Weapons-Extra! 17. More To Come 18. Prog 19. Cog. Price: € 18,-/copy incl. worldwide shipping.
There are rock, improvisation, reggae, weirdness, punky songs, and it is all groovy as hell. Some of this is funny, but this is the corner of Recommended Records, so a political message is never far away. Perhaps now that I am older, having heard so much more music, I appreciate more things than when I was twenty. I dont know how this would have come down all those years ago, but in the middle of so much abstract music all day, The Lo Yo Yo sounds exciting, new and fresh, and they put a big smile on my face. (Vital Weekly, April 2022)